I know you are still in confusion. Cats or dogs? Oh, I can have a panda too! Nope. You cannot have a pet panda. Why don’t you look at the cat breeds in India? They are far more intelligent and easy to maintain than you think.
I know the movies and cartoons have always shown cats as high-maintenance beings who don’t love their owners and are just happy with themselves, unlike dogs. They are shown as indifferent creatures.
But the reality is actually the opposite. I have 5 cats in my home. All of them are strays. I just adopted a male one, and now we have an entire family.
I just love them! You know, I will not misguide you by saying that you will not have to do anything to be with them. Yes, efforts are needed, and it’s natural. You tell me, Don’t you groom yourself too and take medicines when you get ill?
You do, right? That’s what I’m talking about. So, you need to put that basic effort into keeping your cats alive and healthy. But yes, some animals are hard to maintain because of the breed or the environment they actually belong to.
That being said, let’s begin with the top 4 cat breeds in India that might become your furry best friends.
Himalayan Cat

The Himalayan cats are not natural cats. Nope! They are not made of plastic. They are breed cats, which means that they were created by breeders. During world war II, they were quite popular. But it was also the time when the breeding was stopped.
But popularity again kicked in, and people started buying them. You might have seen these cats in celebrity houses. I have seen one. It was the pet of a Hollywood celebrity.
But Now, Indian people are also showing interest in them. The cats are actually small but look gigantic with all the fur. There are various types of Himalayan Cats, but the ones that have a black shadow on the middle of their faces are the most popular.
You can see these cats in animations too. So, how are they in nature? Well, Himalayan cats are pretty moody. They might be quietly lying down, and the next second, they are running around the house.
They are friendly. You need to watch out for a balanced diet and exercise. Too much exercise is not needed.
Bengal Cat

You know, one day, I was watching a reel of a man who owns a Bengal Cat. At first, I thought that it was a cat that he had adopted from West Bengal. But later, I came to know that it was again a breed.
Wild Leopard and a domestic cat made a Bengal cat. They are highly alert and intelligent. They look very pretty. Brown cats with a face that looks exactly the replica of a leopard with cute little black spots.
It was amazing. I watched many of their reels. She was just amazing at communicating. She understood everything and was pretty active, unlike other cats who like to spend most of their time sleeping.
So, if you are someone who wants a cat companion that will always be there for you and will be able to learn tricks with you, and might make you an Insta content creator too!
Let me tell you a secret! They love water! Yes, you have heard this right. You might have seen your neighbor struggling to bathe his cat, but you will not because Bengal cats are very fond of water.
So, what do you say? Let’s do something exceptional!
Bombay Cat

The name itself is fascinating and astonishing. You might not know, but these amazing-looking cats are heavier than you think. I call them small black panthers. Hehe! They are frightening and cute at the same time.
The jet black color, the muscular and heavy body, but the small size is such a fantastic blend of beauty.
They are very active but easy to gain weight. So, you need to have a keen eye on their exercise routine. Bombay cats are one of those cat breeds in India that are known for their curiosity, so you will never be bored.
Maine Coon

If you are more into big cats. You should go for Maine Coon. They are known for their big and elegant look. whenever I see my cats, I tell my sister that cats are actually royal members.
We just don’t know that. They pretend to be cats. Haha! Have you looked at their walk? If you end up adopting a Maine Coon, you will be convinced that cats are actually kings and queens of a whole new universe.
Maine Coons are less dependent on their owners, and they have a dignified attitude. You will be able to sense that. They might look a bit furious because of their size, but these giants are extremely gentle.
They enjoy human company. Unlike the Bombay cat, they are calmer. So, if you are someone who does not have time to give constant attention to your pet, Maine Coon can be your colleague.
You might have to pay extra attention to maintain the hair. Yes, they have a double coat of fur because they belong to a place that is extremely cold.
Yes, you have guessed it right. India’s weather is hot, so they might face some problems adapting. So, have a proper discussion with the breeder before getting one. Or you can buy the more Indian version of the Maine coon, just like the Husky dog.
Wrapping Up
So, among all the cat breeds in India that I have introduced to you, which one would you like to pick? I think Bengal Cat or Bombay Cat would be the best match for you.
But always remember that pets are living beings; they are not toys that you can throw away later. If you are responsible enough, then only adopt one.
Moreover, if you are confused about the breed, just adopt a stray one. It will give you more happiness.