There is no question to this fact that human beings have changed the entire world drastically in the last decade or more. Be it nature or anything else that we can imagine, humans have some kind of involvement in that. We have been facing a huge climate change in nature. Humans know anything and everything, yet they harm nature. India is one of the countries that loves bursting crackers on a very large scale.
One of the examples of harming nature is the use of firecrackers during Diwali and various other occasions such as weddings and more. Over the past few years, the bursting of crackers has increased. There are many reasons why Bursting crackers are harmful to nature. In this article, we will see what crackers do to nature and our lives included.
Below given are the 5 most harmful effects and reasons why bursting crackers are bad for us and our surroundings too:
1. Smog
There is no second opinion about the huge amount of pollution that crackers do. The effects of bursting crackers have started to be seen in the environment. The capital city of India, Delhi, witnesses this environmental effect every year in the form of smog. With the coming of winters, also comes the harmful smog. Smog is dangerous in many ways and its high level can cause serious damage. Crackers often contain elements like copper, cadmium, sulfur, aluminum, and barium that produce air and noise pollution.
During Diwali, the pollution level of India rises by 30% which is a huge number. The massive change is reflected in the environment. There has been enough awareness about the pollution created by bursting crackers, but people don’t try to understand it. Every individual should understand this and should avoid bursting crackers as much as possible.
2. Destructive Fire Incidents
If you have noticed, the newspaper on the very first day after Diwali is filled with news of the accidental fire. The production of Nos cracker on a large scale is dangerous until and unless strict care is taken. In India, every year a huge number of people die due to fire. Accidental fire carries the potential for huge damage.
Authorities in countries like India don’t pay much attention to this. These fires come with the cost of people’s life. We should not depend on any authority or government body for our safety and be responsible for it. Buying or bursting crackers increases the demand hence increasing production. And hence, we should stop selling crackers, considering the loss one suffers due to such incidents.
3. Improper Disposal
The disposal mechanism of different types of garbage is not great. The bursting of crackers adds a burden to our already weak disposal system. The waste and pollution created by firecrackers including cream charger cracker not only affects humans but also animals. With the increased amount of indisposed garbage, we can see the effect of wild and stray animals. This way, they not only harm nature and animals but also waste our money.

Bursting crackers is nothing but burning money for loud noises. Diwali, the festival of lights and purity, is considered as the festival of lights, happiness, and prosperity but we have made it the festival of crackers. Moreover, only the presence of aware citizens can stop this from happening.
4. Increase in Child Labor
In a country like India, the standard of living is not very glittery. Millions of people in India are living under the evil shadow of poverty. Rise in the population and unemployment results in the rise of child labor. People start sending their children to work at a very early age to support their families financially. The production of crackers in India is done illegally in many places where children work as labor.
Although we know everything, we choose not to stand against it. So if we aren’t stopping it, we are allowing it and letting small children work tirelessly to produce such crackers, which do nothing but further create issues only like pollution. Children are cheap in terms of labor and they do what they are told.
Moreover, an increase in child labor results in a decrease in education. These children work in miserable conditions in extremely low wages just to eat enough so they can live. The only way to save poor children from this cruel trap is to stop the use of crackers.
5. Impact on Animals
Well, this is a well-known fact that almost all the animals are afraid of crackers. There are various reasons for it, for instance, the sound produced by the crackers or bombs. In the case, if you notice your pet animals during Diwali, they always make cries and that’s due to the crackers. Animals don’t have the privilege to communicate and that’s why they can’t say anything.
Most animals like dogs and cats get confused with the lighting and sound produced due to crackers. They look at it as a change in their surroundings and hence get frightened. Firecrackers can make your dog deaf or can seriously damage its ears. Moreover, the worst part of this whole situation is that you won’t be able to know it. Animals are also living organisms and they also deserve a quality life. And hence, we should consider these animals and should not burst crackers.

In the end, this article covers only a few of the harmful effects that crackers cause. There is a long list of negative things crackers can do. We should respect nature and other forms of life present on earth and stop using crackers. We should start looking at this topic seriously and instead of harming our environment should preserve it.
Moreover, when it comes to bursting firecrackers on occasions such as weddings or parties, thoughts on trying out alternatives should be considered. We understand that it feels like fun to burst crackers and see the light but on what cost, lives? Well, lives aren’t any way comparable to getting rid of such fun habits. Our children deserve to stay in an environment that is safe for many other generations to come and hence, keeping that in the account, make your choices wisely.