“I wish I was naturally fit. I didn’t have to go to the gym then.” Let’s be honest! We have all been there, even if you are a fitness junky or love to hit the gym, you too have wished to be in a state of natural fitness at some point in your life.
Stuff like body issues, body shaming and unnatural beauty standards that our society is going through have now become a normal way of life. Everyone is trying to achieve body goals that are almost impossible. We set standards based on pictures we see on social media. But we all know that while some are authentic, 99% are photoshopped.
Often a chubby person is referred to as unhealthy just because he/she does not possess abs or muscles that indicate fitness. But what if I told you that no matter what body shape you have, you do not need to look a certain way to be healthy.
Body Fitness and being healthy does not have to be a certain way. Our body’s composition determines how healthy we are.
Also with the recent advancements in technology, new devices have been introduced which can keep a track of your fitness. Devices such as Fitbit help monitor your calories during a workout and can also count the steps taken, thus creating a database for you to track your progress. Mobile applications have been developed which can suggest a set of exercises based on your height and weight. But though these apps might seem enticing and may help a bit, it is ultimately up to you to introduce healthier and more sustainable habits in your lifestyle for staying naturally fit over a long period of time.
The natural fitness of a body is a concept where you can achieve a naturally fit body without hitting the gym. In this article, we will be talking about a few points that will help you in attaining a fit and healthy body.
How to build muscle naturally for fitness?
Diet is the most important part in carving out our body to look effortlessly fit. We know that eggs are rich in protein and also they are consumed by people who are into figure bodybuilding. You must have seen wrestlers eating more than 10 eggs daily.
Diet plays a major role in weight loss or gain, muscle gain, etc. Our body structure depends on 80% of the diet and the remaining 20% on exercise. When it comes to what and how you should eat to gain muscles the most obvious choice is eating frequently and in smaller portions. The portions should contain protein and good carbohydrates. On days when you are walking extra or lifting heavy weights, eat more calories than on days you do not have any activity as such. Keep your fat intake moderate.

For vegetarians, instead of egg, you can eat dairy products, almonds, legumes, oats, etc. If you are vegan, then tofu is a good source of protein. You can also try taking protein supplements by consulting someone who knows the amount you need to take, etc.
In the early days, people used to do farming which would require a lot of energy and strength. That is the key here! Instead of weight lifting in the gym, you can try lifting things that are available at your house. You can also do things that require a lot of arm or hand movements. You can fire your Gardener and take up his job yourself.
If you are trying to lose those few inches, go out for a walk. It is refreshing for your mind and it burns calories. If you live in a place where you cannot go outside or you do not have the time to, then jump around in the house or just dance like a junkie. You can go cycling or swimming, whatever is comfortable for you. All these movements count as cardio workouts and are enjoyable too.
You can also purchase resistance bands and work out with them. The end result is going to be the same as that of a gym trained body. Do cardio activities 2-3 times a week and strength training 5-6 times a week. You will notice the results for sure.
Now, everybody is different and so is their metabolism. While stored fat can be due to heredity or caused by different diseases. But one should always try to eat good meals instead of hogging junk food.
10 tips to stay naturally fit

- Detoxify your body first. If you are someone who is trying to change their lifestyle into something healthy, then follow this tip first. Try eating clean and healthy instead of oily and junk. Drink water to clear out toxins, etc.
- As many calories as you eat, you must be able to shed those by doing a few activities. The equation is:
Calorie intake ∝ Workout
Calorie intake is directly proportional to working out. If you are someone who has to shed a lot of pounds, then start by going into a calorie deficit. Your body will start using the stored fat as energy when you exercise. Get a good and adequate amount of sleep. Sleep and Natural Fitness are harmonious.
- Follow the triangle method for your meal intake:
- Eat a heavy breakfast
- Lessen the quantity for lunch
- Eat very minimal calories for dinner.
- Try doing intermittent fasting.
- Drink an adequate amount of water daily. If possible, switch to warm water.
- Cut down on sugar intake. You can try using organic sugar or dark chocolate for cravings.
- Keep your mental health in check. Always try to stay motivated and happy.
- Meditate regularly if possible, for at least 5 minutes.
- If you drink alcohol or smoke, try quitting it slowly.
Apart from these, keep a check on your health from time to time. Go for regular checkups and evaluate where you need to work to improve your health. The most important thing is to make it the sidekick of your life. It is important to know the difference between getting addicted and making it a lifestyle change. Slowly but steadily, you will gain your natural fitness body.
Sure there are small things that can make a change but there are no shortcuts in reality when it comes to being healthy. No matter what you do, try to enjoy it!