Lucas Claude Sykes, the 12-year son of Wanda Sykes, grew up in a different way. Yes, mother Wanda Sykes didn’t raise their child in the conventional and adorable way.
She is quite serious about parenting and takes every single step with care. To put it shortly, she is a disciplined parent and also wants that discipline in their children.
Recently in an interview, she revealed a lot of things about her life after becoming a mother and how her daughter and son are doing under her guidance.
I must say, Lucas and her sister Olivia are under the right influence.
For those who don’t know, Wanda is a famous comedian, and now she is giving some amazing parenting tips.
When I was reading her interview, I felt that she was a little bit harsh upon their kids, but now, I have realized that we have got her wrong.
Lucas Claude Sykes is not a grown-up now, and he needs all the care, love, and guidance for her parents, and her moms are doing it the right way.
Lucas and Olivia are twins, which means their attention and efforts should be doubled. The rest will be less, and it will be tough.
Let’s see what Wanda says about parenting.
Parenting advice by Wanda Sykes
Wanda Sykes does not believe in giving options. Yes, She precisely mentioned that She never lets Lucas and Olivia have options or choices. Don’t get her wrong. It is not what it looks like.
When it comes to choices, it is pretty different from adults’ choices. They don’t understand the consequences, and therefore, they end up choosing the easy and the wrong options.

If you are a parent, have you ever thought in this way? No, right? There was an incident that inspired her to do so.
She saw a woman talking on the phone with her mother, and then she walked up to her kid and asked her whether she wanted to talk with her granny or not.
This incident absolutely blew her mind, and she started rethinking things. This was not something she wanted to teach their children. Rather she wanted them to practice making choices that would have consequences for others.
Nowadays, children are more into TikTok rather than making real connections with their family and friends. To avoid this, she has come to this conclusion.
Ending Words
Being a mother is not as easy as it seems. The best thing about it is that you are the role model for your kids, and only you can make them better people in the future.
You don’t need to be perfect. Hande Ercel and Kerem Bursin, for example, are also finding things on their own. Though they broke up previously, it seems that they are now back on track.
Wanda Sykes, as the mother of Lucas Claude Sykes and Olivia, is not only a role model but also a friend who knows how to shape her kids according to their age.