We all were made aware in our childhood that rising early is a good habit. Our parents wanted us to get up at 5 am in the morning. The proverb ‘Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’ also supports this very fact. Moreover, when it comes to people, they usually confuse rising early with cutting their sleep time. However, this is not the case. Hence, this Early Rising Paragraph will help you understand numerous benefits, facts along with the causes of rising too early.
Well, as stated, early rising has its own sets of benefits, for instance, a person who wakes up early has enough time for exercising. Early rising might seem difficult initially but if one tries he can make it a habit. An individual who rises early have all the time that can be used for various purposes. He can start his work early that’s why he doesn’t have to worry about being late. One of the most unknown benefits of early rising is to re-connect with nature.
Due to all hustle in life, we easily forget our link with nature. Rising late has plenty of effects on our body, which we don’t realize. Have you ever thought why birds and animals stay in shape and healthy without doing any exercise? One reason is their habit of early rising. We, humans, don’t go to bed early and do all sorts of stuff at night be it studying, playing, drinking, etc.
Are there any benefits of waking up at 5 am?
Well, it’s a big yes! Rising early has nothing to do with cutting your sleep time. Rising early means giving yourself extra time in the early morning. It is the time when most of the people are sleeping. Some benefits of rising early at 5 am or so are:
1. Time to exercise

The hustle of modern life has made our schedule hectic. Be it a student or a working professional, no one has time to exercise. But still you have to know how to write an early rising paragraph if asked in an exam. So why not understand some pointers and implement them in your life to understand them better.
Rising early gives you the benefit of having extra time in your hand to invest for your physical well being. One thing, which is also important that not only rising early will do everything for you.
If you want to stay fit you should exercise in the morning. The least you can do is to take a morning walk and that alone is also beneficial if you can’t do anything else.
2. Improves your professional life

‘Early rising improves personal life’ is an already known fact but do you know you can also improve your professional life. When you are in the habit of early rising, you can make yourself more productive.
Also, if you want to stay focused you have to meditate. You can also practice mindfulness that is known to make the overall working of your mind better.
3. It decreases stress
It is clear that if you have enough time to manage all your stuff, your stress decreases considerably. You don’t have to run around the house to complete your work if you have enough time to complete it. This might seem small but is directly linked with decreasing stress.

What causes you to Wake Up too early in the Morning?
Waking up too early is a frustrating issue, especially when it happens on its own and you haven’t slept enough. In this situation, if you have to write a paragraph on early rising, how will you be able to do that? Moreover, if you have ever faced the situation of waking early you know how irritating it feels. Also, not sleeping enough can ruin your overall health in many ways. Now, with scientific studies, we know the causes for waking up too early.
Let’s take a look at each one of them, so that you can mention these in your early rising paragraph or essay as well when asked.
1. You have insomnia
Insomnia can’t just make you wake up too early but it can also distort your overall sleep cycle. Insomnia has numerous types where people face various problems. A person having insomnia can face problems like Trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, experiencing unrestful, unrefreshing sleep, waking too early.
2. You are stressed out
Stress and anxiety should not be underestimated, these cause many health issues and problem in sleeping is one of them. When you are stressed out, your body behaves as if you are living in the survival-mode as per Dr. Joe Dispenza. While you are stressed your heart rate increases that don’t let your body relax and you can’t sleep.

6 Important Facts about waking up early
There are numerous facts about rising early, however, we’ll look at only 6 of them that are most beneficial for you:
- People who rise early don’t leave things for tomorrow, because they have enough time to complete those things today. It can be seen as one is the biggest advantage of rising early.
- Studies show that young people do not tend to rise early while those in their old age do. This affects the body in old age and you start to see physical and mental problems as you age.
- If you are able to do all your work in time and also you are in great shape, all of it will make you feel positive. This positive feeling is also reflected in your attitude.
- With time, as people start to have more responsibility they face depression and other mental and psychological problems. Rising early can naturally eliminate the depression that can affect you drastically.
- With more time in your hand, you can use it to pursue what you actually want to do. Rising early can provide you up to 2 hours of extra time.
- With a sound mental being, the chances of you making better choices increase. Better choices can lead to a better overall quality of life.
Final words
Rising early is really beneficial for both your overall physical and mental health. And the above discussed points will help you create a good early rising paragraph for your assignment or exam. As discussed above, it benefits your professional and personal life as well in many ways. And hence, you should give it a thought and as soon as you implement this in your life, you can start seeing the result.