Dana Linn Bailey is one of those fitness freaks who were ahead of their time. Yes, you won’t believe the Olympia winner started bodybuilding when girls building muscles were frowned upon.
Yes, Dana started too early. But yes, it was a gradual process. To be very honest, her parents were the first who recognized her ability to do something beyond the conventional role of women.
She was just 5 when her parents put her to swimming lessons, and it was from there that she inherited a competitive nature.
After that, she joined other sports like football or basketball to keep that physical strength and training alive.
But after finishing college, she was confused about how to move forward. Then Dana came across the gym world and got to know it better with her boyfriend.
Then? Then what, the journey began, and how it ended, we all know that.
But Dana Linn Bailey also suffered through several untold thighs, and her insecurities are one of them.
I mean, being a strong bodybuilder in the times when nobody even thought about it, but it was the same people who made her feel insecure about the way she looked.
Let’s know the whole story.

Building Muscles with Confidence
As we know that she is a star. A woman who has been an inspiration to several people. Recently Dana also collaborated with Jay Cutler.
If you see the video, you can clearly see how gracefully she lets Jay take the lead and train her. Dana never wears her crown.
She is confident and humble. You must be wondering how I came to know about her insecurities.
Nope! I didn’t go to take her interview or so. She posted it on her Instagram. In that picture, the beautiful woman was wearing a black dress, and her chest was exposed.
The caption said that she had always been insecure about how masculine she looked, but this time Dana was going to embrace herself and the hard work she had done.
Now, this is where the real strength lies! Apart from that, Dana Linn Bailey is someone who takes care of her fans too.
She described how diet plans and workout routines vary from person to person and what the things people should keep in mind about bodybuilding are. For example, she does not support the keto diet and enjoys cheat days too!
Wrapping up
So what do you think? Is masculine, not feminine? The definition of femininity is twisted. I believe something that knows how to nurture is feminine. It has nothing to do with how a woman looks or how she has built her body.
You and I might not have that slim waist or that silky smooth skin or that beautiful voice, but does it make us less feminine? It does not.
If some decisions make sense to you, stick to them. It might not be the case with everyone out there but if you got this, keep this! Just like Natalie Wihongi, she is still friends with her ex-husband.