Valentine’s Day List

Valentine’s Day List 0f 2024

A week of love that comes only one time in a year. This is a week for loving couples, and if you have fallen in love with someone special, then this Valentine’s Week is best to convey or express your feelings. But first, please know about the Valentine’s Day list.

Let’s flow with love, it is like you are in heaven if you have fallen in love with that special one which makes you fall in their eyes. We know it is a beautiful feeling in this era of fake people. Suppose you have a genuine loving, and caring person. Then you have to know about Valentine’s Week.

Valentine’s Week

Valentine’s Day List

If you found your true love, then you can feel this article from the core of your heart. This February month brings love and excitement into a lover’s heart and makes the surroundings like it is heaven week. Your wait is over because it’s Valentine’s month.

During this second week of the month, people celebrate the season of love. It starts from 7th February to 14th February, and each day signifies a special meaning. Let’s know together, the meaning of each day and know the Valentine’s Day List.

Rose Day

Rose Day: Valentine’s Day List

Rose Day is celebrated on the 7th of February, the starting week of Valentine’s, on this day lovers express their feelings and express their love through Red Rose, how? By giving your partner a rose.

Rose smells like an everlasting beauty of love. This day’s theme is to promise your lover that you will be together forever. And you know what? sometimes together and forever is not a lie.

Propose Day

Propose Day

A day which comes on the second day of Valentine’s on the 8th of February, when lover expresses their feeling by telling their crush, that they have fallen in  love and the best way to confess your feelings is just to say “I Love You.” If you are planning to propose your crush then this day is perfect to confess your feelings.

Chocolate Day

Chocolate Day: Valentine’s Day List

Celebrate a chocolate day on the 9th of February. With sweetness, Chocolate Day makes your bond more special and sweet, like love. Give your love a chocolate gift, you can also make a basket of chocolates that contains sweetness in your love, and you can take a big step to make your partner more special. The theme of this day is to tell your partner how sweet you found them.

Teddy Day

Teddy Day is celebrated on the 10th of February. Celebrate Teddy Day with the cuteness of childhood, let’s bring back childhood memories by giving your partner or crush a teddy, no matter what size of a soft toy just gift it to them.

The theme of Teddy Day is to gift your partner or express a cute feeling because it is a cute stuffed animal that brings all the cozy and sweetness to your partner’s mind. If you don’t have that much budget, then you can gift your partner a small teddy such as, you can gift a keychain teddy, because it looks like a unique Teddy Day gift. 

Promise Day

Promise Day

Celebrate a promising day, where you will promise your partner that Forever is not a lie, you will always be there for them, it is a day that signifies the importance of commitment. A promise day falls on the 11th of February, in which you make a promise to your partner that you will live together forever.

Well, we can give you some promise tips, when you promise your partner ensure to take a gift for them to make your partner or a crush feel more special, and don’t forget to select a promise in your mind.

Hug Day

Hug Day: Valentine’s Day List

Hug Day is a sign of a love which not contain any lust or dirty things, a love that comes from the core of your heart. This day is celebrated on the 12th of February, the theme of this day signifies a day that provides a warm, beautiful expression of love. 

And you know, a comfortable hug can speak more than a word. If you are hugging comfortably your partner, then it makes all your problems solve or fly away. And in those few minutes, you feel you are in heaven. So go ahead, and give your loved one a proper, comfortable, and tender hug. Let your partner or crush, know that they are in love forever.

Kiss Day

Kiss Day

Couples celebrate Kiss Day on the 13th of February. On this day a lover and couple share their love by kissing each other and giving commitment by kissing each other. No lust, no physical touch a love that shares only emotions that come from the lover’s heart.

Maybe you will share your first on this special day, by which you will share your first kiss of commitment with your crush. You know the theme of this day is to stick together no matter what, so find the perfect environment to make your first kiss more special and memorable.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day

A special day for loving couples, the whole world celebrates Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February, a day for a lover. Then take the day off and go with your partner to celebrate this special day with your special one.

Make a date plan with your partner spend some quality time together and repeat the whole Valentine’s week in one day. Let’s give her flowers, make some promises, hug and kiss your partner, propose your love, give them a gift like a teddy, and make your partner special. 

Spread love everywhere but not only for today (on 14th February) make it every day, Valentine for your love Happy Valentine’s Day!

Also Read This: From Single to Hitched

Quick Review

Here, here is a quick review of the Valentine’s Day List, according to date. Let’s take a look:

Rose Day 7th of February 
Propose Day 8th of February 
Chocolate Day 9th of February 
Teddy Day 10th of February 
Promise Day 11th of February 
Hug Day 12th of February 
Kiss Day 13th of February 
Valentine Day 14th of February 

Why We Celebrate Valentine’s Day 

Saint Valentine

Well, everyone knows about Valentine’s Day, but not everyone knows the story behind Valentine’s Day, it is named after Saint Valentine. Saint Valentine was a catholic priest who lived in Rome in the 3rd century. There are many stories about Saint Valentine, and over time these stories grew into the legends that we know today.

Now we will talk about the time of Valentine’s life. At that time, Romans were converting to Christianity. However, Emperor Claudius II was a pagan who created strict laws about what Christianity was allowed to do or what not to do.

Emperor Claudius II believed that Roman soldiers should be completely devoted to Rome. And thus passed a law preventing them from marrying. You know what St. Valentine was a person who began to marry these soldiers in secret Christian ceremonies. And this was the beginning of the belief in the importance of love. 

But sadly, Valentine was found out by Claudius. And he decided to give him punishment by putting him behind bars because Valentine was gone against Claudius. While putting him in prison, Valentine cared for his fellow prisoners and also cared for his jailor’s blind daughter.

The Legend has it that Valentine has cured that girl who was blind and his final act before being rendered, he has written her a love message signed “from your Valentine.” People started Valentine’s on 14 February in the year 270. So, that’s the reason why we celebrate “Valentine’s Day List”. 


In conclusion, Valentine’s is a week for loved ones but it doesn’t mean you have to find a true partner. Let’s give it to destiny, and start loving yourself. And if you have found already a true person then give it all of the love which they deserve it to be. We hope our article “ Valentine’s Day List” is useful for you.






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