Pastor Anwar Fazal – Winning Souls and Advancing the Kingdom of Heaven in Many Countries

Throughout history, the world has been made by those who think positively. The kingdom of heaven is advancing by those who strive for the gospel and those who make every effort to enter, trying to receive spiritual blessings and winning souls. Soul winning is one of the greatest works since it revolves around saving the soul of humankind from eternal destruction. Soul winning is not the same as running a political campaign to gain votes. It is preaching the word of God, allowing someone to give their lives to God. When it comes to spreading the word of God, Pastors play a pivotal role in spreading the gospel through their churches. These godly men are appointed to serve the church. 

Some pastors are not limited to their churches; they reach out to the masses and spread the word of God. Pastor Anwar Fazal can be a prime example of a pastor who embarked on a journey to spread the word of God to the masses. Over the years, Fazal has touched millions of people through his prayer festivals held in his home country of Pakistan. It was in the late 1990s when Fazal set off on his journey as a minister from a shack in the Lahore city of the Punjab Province in Pakistan. 

Since then, Fazal has been actively winning souls and advancing the kingdom of heaven in many countries. For Fazal, spreading the kingdom of God is what he has not been doing for himself but for the glory of the Savior. His dedication to serving God was acknowledged when Isaac Tv was allowed to be broadcasted from within Pakistan. A country with a dense Muslim population of about 95-97%. The government of Pakistan has always granted Fazal the use of major facilities, like stadiums, to hold events that are attended by thousands of people from every corner of Pakistan. 

Organizing Crusades with Huge Attendance in the History of Pakistan

Pakistan is a country with the second-largest Muslim population in the world. The southern metropolis of Karachi has a large Christian population, as do the cities of Faisalabad and Lahore. There are many Christian Villages in the Punjab heartland, and a sizeable population in the deeply conservative north-western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, particularly in the city of Peshawar. Although Muslims and Christians mostly co-exist amiably enough without frequent outbreaks of animosity, many Pakistani Christians share a sense of vulnerability. Fazal has changed the landscape over the years, drawing a large number of people from almost every city in Pakistan. 

Since establishing his ministry, Fazal has organized many crusades and drew the attention of nearly one million people in attendance with his Christ-like behavior. Millions of people have experienced healing from various diseases and physical ailments, resulting in unprecedented deliverance and salvation. 

As a humble man of God, Fazal does not only attract Christians but the Non-Christians of Pakistan as well. He faithfully carries out the call the Lord laid upon his heart and his beloved wife, Nida Anwar. Over the years, Fazal has won souls and has advanced the kingdom of heaven in many countries with his Christ-like behavior. 

Launching the Isaac Television

In 2006, the Lord spoke to Fazal to launch a Christian television channel. As a God-fearing servant, Fazal daringly launched Isaac Television, which became the first Christian television channel in the history of Pakistan. Through his channel, Fazal wanted to spread the word of God and provide hope to Christians and Non-Christians alike. Isaac television broadcasts to about 70 countries in Asia, the Middle East, and many disadvantaged regions. Initially, the channel had to pay local cable operators and even build equipment in areas without cable networks. It soon switched to satellite and, in 2010, began internet broadcasting, expanding its reach beyond the Middle East and South Asia. The station, supported by local and foreign contributions, is headquartered in Lahore and has several satellite offices in Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, and other cities. Isaac TV has a wide range of content targeted toward Fazal’s personality and God’s message.

Pastor Anwar Fazal has worked with local pastors and missionary Christopher Hicks with Upper Room Ministries in Pakistan. 






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